This is the first post in a series that I’m going to start called “Weapons of Mass Production”. I’ll post one weapon a week that I’ve created for a new VTG song. Today’s weapon comes to you in the form of a nasty Dubstep Bass patch I’ve created that harnesses Novation’s VStation (VST), Camel Audio’s Camel Phat (VST) and Ableton Live 7.
How to install and use:
- - Download VTG Dubstep Bass Patch (2272)
- - Unzip and double click to install into Ableton Live
- - Change the rate of the bass “wobble” by turning the LFO 1 Rate knob in Camel Phat
- - Suggested: Mess w/ settings on both LFO Depth and Rate on each LFO
- - Layer on top of a sub bass sound to shake the floor
And here’s a sample of a new VTG song I’m finishing up that it’s used on….
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