Really exciting news. I’ve teamed up with Shapemix to allow fans and Shapemix users to remix six tracks off of “Dance Floor Game” using the Shapemix application for Apple iPhone and iPad. The application has a really interesting user interface that allows the user to move virtual objects around the screen that control different FX, volume, panning and so forth. Imagine a Lemur, but easier to use
Beyond that, you can go into the arrangement view (similar to a regular digital audio workstation view) and work w/ tracks from that song or combine tracks from other songs. Having programmed for iOS myself I can tell you it’s no small feat what these guys have pulled off.
Anyways, back to the point. “Keep Dancing and Shut Up” is the featured Shapemix download at the moment, so grab Shapemix for your iOS device and download it via an in app purchase and remix away. Be sure to submit your remixes for others to listen to using the Shapemix portal and send your remixes along to me as well. I’ll post them on the website.
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