08.25.2008 | Weapon of Mass Production

This week I’m pleased to introduce to you VTG Prolific Electro Breakbeat Drum Kit, an Instrument Rack for Ableton Live. This second Weapon of Mass Production came about during the writing of “Prolific”, a new VTG track. It’s best used when mixed w/ an acoustic drum loop that has a hi-pass filter on it set around 400hz to add some cymbal work to the drums. Check out a snippet of “Prolific” below to hear the kit in action.
How to install and use:

  1. - Download: VTG Prolific Electro Drum Set (1831)
  2. - Unzip and double click to install into Ableton Live
  3. - Layer kit w/ existing acoustic loops and rock some beats

And here’s a sample of “Prolific”…

Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.

08.17.2008 | Weapon of Mass Production

weapons of mass production #1This is the first post in a series that I’m going to start called “Weapons of Mass Production”. I’ll post one weapon a week that I’ve created for a new VTG song. Today’s weapon comes to you in the form of a nasty Dubstep Bass patch I’ve created that harnesses Novation’s VStation (VST), Camel Audio’s Camel Phat (VST) and Ableton Live 7.

How to install and use:

  1. - Download VTG Dubstep Bass Patch (2272)
  2. - Unzip and double click to install into Ableton Live
  3. - Change the rate of the bass “wobble” by turning the LFO 1 Rate knob in Camel Phat
  4. - Suggested: Mess w/ settings on both LFO Depth and Rate on each LFO
  5. - Layer on top of a sub bass sound to shake the floor

And here’s a sample of a new VTG song I’m finishing up that it’s used on….

Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.

“Love Is Letting Go” | Free Download!

Love Is Letting GoVTG’s anticipated sophomore release “Love is Letting Go” is pure Dirty, Sexy, Electro Rock!

For a limited time, it’s free to download! All we ask is that you spread the word and support VTG by clicking the ‘Tell-Your-Friends’ button below!

Choose your email provider and tell your friends to download “Love is Letting Go” Free!

SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend


  • Download the EP in your choice of lossless audio, including FLAC, Apple Lossless and WAV.
  • Includes the music video for “I Lie Pretty” in 1080p and 480p.

$2.00 BUY

08/08/08 – Oakland, CA – Death Rock Dive Bar

Death Rock Dive Bar
Friday, August 8, 2008
9:00pm - All Ages
2330 Telegraph Ave.
Oakland, CA, USA 94612
Other Info
show website: http://www.myspace.com/drdb613

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08.09.2008 | Death Rock Dive Bar

Death Rock Dive BarVTG will be performing this evening at the Stork Club in Oakland, CA at the “Death Rock Dive Bar” event with DJ Deathboy, Razorblade Monalisa and the Bleeder Project. Show starts at nine, bring your shot glasses. More show info in the sidebar.