08.25.2008 | Weapon of Mass Production
This week I’m pleased to introduce to you VTG Prolific Electro Breakbeat Drum Kit, an Instrument Rack for Ableton Live. This second Weapon of Mass Production came about during the writing of “Prolific”, a new VTG track. It’s best used when mixed w/ an acoustic drum loop that has a hi-pass filter on it set around 400hz to add some cymbal work to the drums. Check out a snippet of “Prolific” below to hear the kit in action.
How to install and use:
- - Download: VTG Prolific Electro Drum Set (1831)
- - Unzip and double click to install into Ableton Live
- - Layer kit w/ existing acoustic loops and rock some beats
And here’s a sample of “Prolific”…
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