07.27.2008 | A Live Electro DJ Set for Your Lips

“Tickle Me Electro” was a lot of fun and in honor of a great evening, Lawrence’s live DJ set is available for download here: Tickle Me Electro (1700). I’ll update this post with a track listing as soon as it’s available. Mad props to DJs Nicoles, Grey, Megabyte Mike & Holyfilament.

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07/26/08 – San Francisco, CA – VTG DJ Set

Saturday, July 26, 2008
9:00pm - 21+
Li Po Lounge (map)
916 Grant Ave.
San Francisco, CA, USA 94108
Other Info
A night of Electro dance music, "Tickle Me Electro".

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07.26.2008 | Interview on Fabryka

VTG interview on FabrykaThe wonderful Industrial Rock magazine Fabryka has recently posted an interview with VTG’s Lawrence Stone on their website. Check it out here.

07.25.2008 | Website v2 relaunch

Please pardon our appearance as we wipe the beer off the counter of our new web presence. We’ve worked very hard to serve you and will continue to rape, pillage, drink and eat your women, food and money. long time no see, now let’s get to the shows…

07.25.2008 | VTG Electro DJ Set

Tickle Me Electro. 07.26.2008VTG will be DJ’ing this Saturday (tomorrow night) down at the Li Po Lounge on the edge of Chinatown in SF, CA at “Tickle Me Electro”. Attendees and alcoholics will be treated with new Electro dance tracks by VTG added into the mix. Show goes late and is free. Check out the flyer for more info.